
regained her balance

When she had turned her back to him to walk away, he had grabbed a mug and smashed it on her head. Jane had almost lost her balance, but her incredible tenacity and strength had come to her aide. She had ,aion kinah,grabbed the handle of the door and had stood there for a few seconds until she had regained her balance, then turning around slowly she had looked fixedly at her foster brother
'This is the very last time you will ever touch or hurt me. If you do, you will live to regret it.'
With this, Jane walked out of the room. She knew there were going to be repercussions, but she had reached the point where she no longer cared. All she wanted was for the next twelve,aion gold, months to pass as quickly as possible. Slowly she walked into her bedroom which she shared with two other foster sisters. Thankfully the room was empty, she could lie down and rest she did not have much to do with either of and the last thing she wanted was for them to know she was hurt
Unfortunately the next morning the head ache was no better but it was no use saying to the foster mother that she could not go to school; the only way she could stay in bed was if she was running a very high temperature. A lump on the head as big as an egg and a massive headache were no reason to stay home. Jane could still hear the cold harsh voice of her foster mother
'Serve you right for getting hurt. You should not pick on Tom. All he wanted was some help with his math. You should not have ,metin2 gold,made fun of him because he's not as good as you. I would have reacted the same way.'
Jane had not bothered to give her side of the story, she would not have been believed. With a resigned sign she turned on her heels and went into her room. The next morning taking care not to move her head too much she managed to get herself to school but once in class all the strength she had managed to muster finally left her and she collapsed on the floor.
Sitting up in bed, alone in Sick Bay with the hot refreshing drink clasped tightly in her trembling hands, the tears,cabal alz, had come, slowly at first then faster, to the point where she had begun to sob uncontrollably. It was not only the pain that was making her cry but most of all the loneliness. The cold treatment that she received from the people she lived with. Like all other times, she had covered her head with the blanket so as to stifle her sobs with her fist; there was no one who cared, no one to soothe her pain...
The recollection of the painful episode slowly dissipated and once again Jane was catapulted to the present. With clouded eyes she saw that the can had rolled into the gutter spilling its contents on the pavement,,RIFT gold, leaving behind a trail of liquid resembling a twisted road with endings which lead nowhere.

